



苏丹依徳理斯教育大学(Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris,简称依大),位于霹雳州的丹绒马林(Tanjong Malim)。若追根朔源,依大的第一代为苏丹依德利斯训练学院(Sultan Idris Training College for Malay Teachers,简称SITC),创立于1922年11月29日,这比创立于1949年10月8日的马来亚大学历史更为悠久。SITC是当时英殖民时代马来半岛的最高学府,其第一批学生仅120位,且只招收男生。当1957年马来亚独立后,为了响应拉萨报告书的要求,后来SITC改名为苏丹依德理斯师范学院(Maktab Perguruan Sultan Idris)。

在1975年,苏丹依德利斯师范学院决定打破传统,开始招收第一批为数140名的女学生。1987年,苏丹依德理斯师范学院被升格为苏丹依德理斯师范机构(Institut Perguruan Sultan Idris)并陆续开办更多元化的师范课程,包括1987年的特别师范证书课程(Kursus Sijil Perguruan Khas)、1988年的大学毕业生师范课程(Kursus Perguruan Lepasan Ijazah)和1993年与博特拉大学(UPM)联办的马来文和体育师范课程。凭着72年的丰富办学经验和对国家教育发展的巨大贡献,苏丹依德理斯师范机构于1997年5月1日正式升格为苏丹依徳理斯教育大学 (UPSI) 。

苏丹依徳理斯教育大学的使命是通过教学、科研、出版、咨询和社区服务以促进并增长知识。同时在人类发展的背景下,实现国家的愿景。而苏丹依徳理斯教育大学的愿景是成为一个能够在教育领导方面领先并在全球变化拥有辉煌成绩的大学。依大拥有一个座右铭:坚定能改变教育("Komited Membawa Perubahan Dalam Pendidikan"),这励志着依大的每一位学生与老师。依大对于信仰、学术、文化、文明、人性、社会和国家有着极大的重视。为了达到这些理念,依大特别着重于大学内各个领域中优秀的活动。

这历史悠久的苏丹依徳理斯教育大学多年来所培育的人才辈出,包括爱国人士、提倡民族主义代表、作家、政治人物、学者、商人和作家等。除了有文坛巨子“马来新文学之父”札巴(Zainal Abidin bin Ahmad,Za’ba),还有前副首相嘉化巴巴(Tun Abdul Ghafar bin Baba)、(Harun Aminurrashid)、(Ibrahim Yaakob)、(Tun Syed Nasir Ismail)、(Tan Sri Awang Had Salleh)、(Abdul Hadi Hassan)、(Datuk Dr. Ahmad Kamal Abdullah) 、(Dr. Othman Puteh 和Datuk Helmi Ismail)。此外,依大是第一间师范学院。同时,也是全马唯一一所国立教育大学,拥有权力于决定学生的录取机制。

发展至今,依大拥有两间校园,分别是旧校舍Kampus Sultan Abdul Jalil Shah和新校舍Kampus Sultan Azlan Shah。依大主要的校园是Kampus Sultan Abdul Jalil Shah位于丹绒马林市区。其面积不大,但远离城市的喧扰又临近市镇中心的依大既享有一份学术环境的清幽,又不至于远离人群孤芳自赏,恰恰有一份自然的舒适。校园附近的设施包括了餐厅、商店、网路咖啡座、警察局、消防局等,这为学生提供了各方面的福利与方便。而Kampus Sultan Azlan Shah位于普腾城 (Proton City) ,丹绒马林。校园的设备也逐渐趋向完善。这两间校园距离八公里,但学校的Kiffah巴士有提供载送学生的服务,负责准时地载送学生往返新旧校舍,宿舍与市镇。在这里,学生除了徒步、乘搭校园巴士、骑摩多上课外,骑脚踏车上课更是依大的特色之一。
Kampus Sultan Abdul Jalil Shah

Kampus Sultan Azlan Shah


此外,在新校舍除了有着数量充足的投影声效课室,依大还拥有各理科实验楼层、完整的设计与创作实验室等。当然也少不了多用途礼堂用以进行各类活动。除此之外,依大还提供了四区宿舍共学生居住,即KHAR, KUO, KAB 和KZ,并规定了每位第一年的学生都必须住在宿舍,每区宿舍都设有运动场,如:网球场、羽球场和篮球场。此外,每区宿舍也有餐厅,网吧及小型便利商店。在校园及宿舍范围几乎每个角落都可以让学生享有无线上网。
Kolej Aminuddin Baki
Kolej Ungku Omar
Kolej Harun Aminurrashid
Kolej Za'ba


在依大,端庄的穿着是大学的特色之一,这是为了训练专业风范。由于老师属于专业人士,因此依大要求学生必须穿得正式又端庄。男生不可蓄长发,上课时必须身着西装裤和长袖衬衫,而且一定要打领带,还必须穿上皮鞋 和袜子。至于女生,衣服的袖子必须是长袖或是超过手肘,而且一定要穿上包鞋。因此,依大的学生在还是“学生”的时代,言行举止各方面就已经有了 “教育者”的风范。当然,体育科学系的学生是不需要穿正式服装的。





Sultan Idris Education University (MalayUniversity Pendidikan Sultan Idris; commonly abbreviated as UPSIJawiاونيۏرسيتي ڤنديديقن سلطان إدريس‎) is a public university in the town of Tanjung MalimPerak in Malaysia. First established in 1922 as a teachers college, it is one of the oldest functioning institutions of higher learning in Malaysia.


The first teacher training center in Malaya was originally located in Taiping and was known as the Matang Teacher Training College. Opened in 1913, the house of the Malay noble of Taiping, Ngah Ibrahim served as the first teacher training college in Malaya until it was shifted to Tanjung Malim nine years later and given the name of the Sultan of Perak at that time. The history of UPSI as we know it today dates to 1922 when the university was then known as the Sultan Idris Training College (SITC). It was set mooted by the then deputy director of Malay schools, R.O. Winstedt as a training college for Malay teachers. Named after the late Sultan Idris Murshidul Azam Shah, the 28th Sultan of Perak, the college was opened on 29 November 1922 by the chief secretary of the Federated Malay States, Sir George Maxwell.
The initial instructional regime required students to complete a three-year course of training where traditional skills and arithmetic were taught. With the adoption of the Education Ordinance 1957 based on the recommendations of the 1956 Education Committee Report (better known as the Razak Report), the training course was extended to five years and new subjects were introduced. SITC also came to be officially known by its Malay name, Maktab Perguruan Sultan Idris (English: Sultan Idris Teachers College) or MPSI.
In 1976, MPSI became co-educational with the admission of the first batch of 150 female students. In 1987, MPSI was upgraded and renamed Institut Perguruan Sultan Idris(English: Sultan Idris Teachers Institute) or IPSI and new courses were made available leading to a degree conferred by Universiti Pertanian Malaysia (today known as Universiti Putra Malaysia).
IPSI was upgraded to a full university bearing its current name on 1 May 1997 in line with the plans by Malaysia to increase the number of graduate teachers in primary and secondary schools.


To be a prestigious university providing exceptional leadership in education, based on the advantage of broad experience and high level of competency in meeting global changes.


To generate and foster knowledge through teaching, research, publication, consultancy and community services to achieve the vision of the nation.


"Committed To Making A Difference In Education"


Design of The Logo

The two circles of UPSI logo signify perseverance, ambition and dedication. The sacred motto of the University and the year of its establishent are engrave on the blue outer circle. The red inner circle has a floral design, a keris, alamp, a yellow molecule and a white book, all of which represent the qualities required to realise University's vision and mission.

University Name

The name of University is available in two languages, Malay (Malay and Jawi) and English. On the left side of the logo, Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (UPSI) words printed in Trajen Pro Small Cap font type in Malay language written in blue, which is to accompany and balance the logo. The logo is dependent to the logotype. In Malay, the university's name was emphasized by the size of the font to show the spirit of the nationalism. 
University's name written in red in Jawi writing and located below the main logotype. Jawi writing is ethnic heritage and UPSI determined to defend and firm Jawi writing heritage in the future.
Below the fine line, the name of the university is stated in English language which is Sultan Idris Education University (SIEU). In globalized world, it is important to introduce UPSI with an understanable name to the world's community. In English, it is characterized as strategic in order to change the perceptions of the community towards the university.

Corporate Colour

Blue Colour
Blue symbolises loyalty, professionalism and unshackled ethics in fulfilling the mission and aims of UPSI.
Yellow Colour
Yellow symbolises sincerrity and integrity in performing the obligations entrusted to the University. 
Red Colour
Red decipts the prominent, dominant, active and progressive image of the University as well as honourable values which are essential in achieving the vision of the University.


The motto of SITC "Pengatahuan Suluh Budiman" or "Knowledge is the Beacon of Pure Character" is maintained even after the establishement of UPSI. The motto highlights the aspiration of the University in enriching and inculcating knowledge. The flaming torch symbolises the unlimited power of knowledge that burns in every living being and guides people toward a better and more fulfilling life. Nothing is more pure than the burning desire to pursue knowledge.

Yellow Dots

Two yellow dots on the logo of UPSI represent the determination of SITC and UPSI to upload steadfasty the oath and pledge of the motto "Knowledge is the Beacon of Pure Character".

Arabesque Form

The eight-calyx flower of an Islamic motif reflects purity of knowledge, education, sincerity and resposibility. It also represents the eight elements in the University's philosphy, which are Piety, Wisdom, Culture, Civilisation, Humanity, Society, Nationalism and Excellence.


The Keris is a symbol of authority and responsibility bestowed upon UPSI as a centre for generating knowledge in education, arts, music, language, literature, as well as science and technology.


The lamp represents the unique history and establishment of the university which began with SITC. The lamp signifies the rays of knowledge that shine into the souls of our nation. It is hoped that through researches and experiment, these rays of knowledge will continue to flourish.


The molecule represents the University's effort in producing active and progressive individuals in the field of science and technology through the implementation of its philosophy.


The book marks the characteristics of UPSI as a professional learning institution that gravitates towards knowledge.

Three Round Circles

The blue, yellow and white circles stand for the primary functions of UPSI : Teaching, conducting research and rendering services to the community.
All in all, the combination of symbols, shapes, motifs and colours in the logo of the University sketches the unique and professional profile of UPSI as a higher institution of learning. It also gives UPSI a profound corporate image that reflects its quality, competence and resolute determination.



Ibu Kandung Suluh Budiman
Obor Di malam Gelap
Bina Budi Penyebar Tekad
Pancaran Semangat Waja
Ibu Kandung Suluh Budiman
Ibu Pujaan Kami
Yang Berjasa Pada Masyarakat
Hidup Gagah Berani
Ibu Kandung Suluh Budiman
Dengarlah Sumpah
Sumbangsih Nan Suci
Selagi Hayat Dikandung Badan
Kami Tetap Berbakti

You may refer to the link given for the song : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i7YtE_IigQo



          Tanjung Malim is a town in Muallim District, Perak, Malaysia. It is approximately 70 km (43 mi) north of Kuala Lumpur via theNorth-South Expressway. It lies on the Perak-Selangor state border, with Sungai Bernam serving as the natural divider.
          Today, "Tanjung Malim" usually refers to the territory under administration of Tanjung Malim District Council or Majlis Daerah Tanjung Malim (MDTM), which includes the smaller towns adjacent to the town such as Proton City, Behrang, Behrang 2020,Sungkai and Slim River. "Tanjung Malim" is lately also referred to the Old Town and New Town divided by the KTM Komuter rail at its heart, from which the town grew. Commuter train services from Tanjung Malim started on 1 June 2009.


          An early settlement nearby Sungai Bernam is named Kampung Kubu (Fort Village). The Bugis community planted jambu fruit trees along the river bank. As population grew overtime, the area is referred to as Kampung Jambu. A mosque is also built to cater its Muslim community. During a visit by a British Straits of Settlements official, Sir List, the state officials headed by Raja Itam referred the area as Tanjong, as quoted by its local ulama Tuan Haji Mustafa bin Raja Kemala. However, it is also known locally as Kg.Kubu, Kg.Bugis, Kg.Jambu and Tg.Jambu. Hence, Sir List 'officially' named it as Tanjong Malim to avoid confusion. (Malim or mualim refers to the pious local Muslim community)


          In the early AD 1700, a Bugis settlement was established along the riverbank of Sungai Bernam, as part of Raja Kecil's plan to set up one of its kubu, fort along the river to fend off the northern Perak Sultanate threat. The plan fell apart with the fall of Raja Kecil in Johor Sultanate power struggle. Over the century, the small village known as Kampung Kubu/Bugis remained idle or rather isolated.
          Around 1766, Perak Sultan Mahmud Shah crowned the Bugis prince Lumu as Sultan Salahuddin Shah to establish the Selangor Sultanate. Sungai Bernam is agreed as the natural border and this tiny village happens to be divided by it. Today, the Selangor side is known as Ulu Bernam while the Perak side is Tanjong Malim.
          The 1875, Klang War in Selangor drove the Malay community to reside at this rather peaceful village. The Gee Hin-Hai San triads conflict in Ipoh also drew the Chinese community to this village. In the early 1900s, the Chinese Hokkien clan built two rows of shop houses which formed the pillar of the town. These old shop houses still exist today along Jalan Besar in Tanjong Malim. Lately, it is referred to as the "old town" as current development concentrates more on the northern area. The British also brought in the Indian community to work in the rubber plantation, which is the town's most important agriculture sector income during the colonial rule. The Mogah community also set up its petty trade in the outskirt of the town.
          Major development took place as infrastructures were upgraded. e.g. railway station, bus station, tarred roads, a federal trunk road, schools, district hospital, etc. In 1922, the Sultan Idris Training College was built there, (first education training institution in Malaysia). The SITC expanded over decades (to MPSI, IPSI, UPSI) and is now a public university, Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris`. A polytechnic is also establish recently, granting the town the nickname Town of Education.

          The Second World War put a halt to the town's development. The most intensely fought gun battle during the Malaya conquest took place at Slim River, nearby here. The Japanese invaders took over and SITC field became a gruesome POW execution site. After the war, the communist threat further diminished the town population. Tanjong Malim is one the "black town" in the British effort to combat communism.A local district office is also built here, governing the nearby settlements within 30 km radius.But the assassination of Sir Cordner promptly forced the British to move the office to Slim River.

          After the 1957 independence, Tanjong Malim is a rather sleepy town. Most Malaysian would only recall this town as a stop-over rest area during long haul travels between Ipoh and Kuala Lumpur. The great flood in 1970 further dampened the town development. In the 1990s, there were plan to push Tanjong Malim to become a buffer city with mega projects such as Proton City and Diamond Creeks. However, the 1997 worldwide economy meltdown put a big comma to it.
           Recently, Tanjong Malim is back on track. The Proton City project is turned on, and coupled with the Bernam Jaya projects, a City status could be foreseen in a matter of time.


Tanjung Malim is a small town in Perak. In Batang Padang, it is 3rd largest after Tapah and Bidor, just ahead of Slim River.
  • Population = 60,791 (2007)
  • Urban area population = 16,399 (2008)
  • Ranking: 69th most populous urban centre in Malaysia.
Ethnic groups in Tanjong Malim, 2004 census


 6 Delicious Things Must Eat in Penang

1. Lor Bak

If deep-fried is your thing, then you’ll enjoy Lor Bak. It’s a Hokkien/Teochew dish consisting of various meats, seafood, tofu, and vegetables. They’re seasoned with five-spice powder and rolled in a thin beancurd skin before being dunked in oil and deep-fried. Lor bak is usually served with chili sauce and loh, a sweet sauce thickened with corn starch and beaten eggs.

2. Char Koay Kak

Char koay kak is radish cake stir-fried in a thick black soy sauce with preserved radish, bean sprouts, and eggs. It’s known as chai tow kueh or “carrot cake” in Singapore.

3. Seafood Popiah

Popiah is a Hokkien/Teochew-type of fresh spring roll. It’s made by filling a thin, paper-like crepe or pancake with finely grated turnips and a combination of other ingredients like bean sprouts, grated carrots, pork, seafood, fried tofu, chopped peanuts, fried shallots, and shredded omelette.

4. Oyster Omelette / Oh Chien

If you’ve traveled around Asia and enjoy its food, then you’ve probably seen this dish at some point. Popular in many countries, it’s basically a fried oyster-filled omelette. Other variations usually contain potato starch to thicken the omelette but the Penang version is made with rice flour batter to give it a lighter, crisper texture.

5. Char Koay Teow

Char koay teow is considered by many to be the most iconic street food in Penang. It’s name literally means “stir-fried rice cake strips”, and it consists of flat rice noodles stir-fried in pork fat with light and dark soy sauce, chili, belachan(fermented shrimp paste), prawns, blood cockles, bean sprouts, chopped Chinese chives, and egg. In Penang, it’s typically served on a piece of banana leaf on a plate like below.

6. Asam Laksa

Like char koay teow, asam laksa is one of Penang’s signature dishes. It’s tamarind-based so it’s more sour compared to the coconut-based curry laksas that are popular in Singapore. Interestingly, curry laksas are common in Penang as well, but they’re referred to as curry mee. When someone in Penang says “laksa”, they’re typically referring to asam laksa.